Hurricane Irma - In quotes and pictures

St Lucia PM Allen Chastenet, Antigua & Barbuda PM Gaston Browne and Dominica PM Roosevelt Skerrit in Antigua



"It is heart-wrenching, absolutely devastating. I have never seen any such destruction on a per-capita before as I saw when I was in Barbuda this afternoon. The telecommunications system is totally destroyed, we have seen cell towers snapped in two. Barbuda now is literally rubble.”

Antigua & Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, speaking to ABS (Antigua Broadcasting Service)








“The world is now aware of the destruction caused in the BVI by Hurricane Irma, a record category 5 hurricane. Like all of us, I am heartbroken by the loss of homes and businesses but above all the loss of life the hurricane has brought.

“We are a resilient people but this has shaken us to our core.”

BVI Premier Orlando Smith


“Communities have pulled closer together; neighbours are helping neighbours to overcome the challenges, and supporting each other. Most importantly, unlike what we may have heard from other places in the region, Anguilla remains calm and Anguillians as ever, remain respectful of the rule of law.”

Anguilla Governor, Tim Foy


“This massive storm has already claimed lives in many of the countries and has inflicted severe damage to infrastructure in the affected islands.”

CARICOM Chairman, Grenadian Prime Minister Keith Mitchell


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The airport in French St Martin was devastated. The Dutch side of the island also took
a pounding. [photo: Antigua Met Service]




"Hurricane Irma is front and centre in the French papers with catchy headlines like 'Irmageddon'."

France 24, reviewing French coverage of Hurricane Irma









“We are beyond saddened to learn of the devastation in Barbuda caused from Hurricane Irma and look forward to working with the Paradise Found Nobu Resort team, the Barbuda Council, GOAB and the entire Barbuda community to successfully rebuild what nature has taken away from us.”

Spokesman for the actor Robert De Niro, who partially owns the Paradise Found Nobu Resort in Barbuda


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“Necker damage huge, but BVI #Irma story is not about Necker - about 1000s of people
who've lost homes & livelihoods.”
Richard Branson on Twitter



















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